Friday, June 1, 2007

Is It Really Human Grade Ingredients?

Subject: pet food grade

Hi Evy again,

I read your blog and it is very honest and forthright. thank you for that straightforwardness. It is rare in talking to companies.
Would you tell me why the pet food grade food coming from human grade was rejected as human grade. I get quite scared about this. I heard that the food rejected was b/c of diseased etc problems and therefore goes to the pet food? Is this true? No one has explained what pet food grade consist of. thanks again for your time,


Dee ~

Pet food grade is merely what cannot be 'dressed' from an animal that is up for slaughter to put in a butcher case. It has nothing to do with the animal being diseased. A good example is a chicken breast that is shaped in such a fashion that it doesn't cut easily for packaging. These are animals that are being butchered for human consumption, but not all of the meat 'dresses up' well for sale. I am a bit suspicious when I read that a pet food company claims to use human grade and am wondering if they are stretching the truth a bit about really using the pet grade, but just wanting it to sound better.

I'll get on to answering your other email here in a moment.

Thanks ~


(Dear Reader....please refer to my May blog on this subject for more information)