Thursday, December 10, 2009

Treat Recall / FDA Link

Until my time can free up some more, I will be posting recalls on my blog.

I am planning on starting a link on the homepage to advise you of any
recalls and/or substantiated withdrawals by the manufacturer or FDA.
Until then, keep an eye on my blog.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cats & Throwing Up (happy ending!!)

Hi Evy, the kitties are no longer throwing up...thank God I found you! Happy holidays! Dawn

Welcome Back!!

Hi Evy!

I don't know why, but we tried some XXXXXXX dog food- multiple types. and ALL of them make Snickle throw up and scratch. Not sure what they are putting in their food, but it causes Snicks problems. We've NEVER had a problem with your food...and am happy to be reordering!

Thanks again for making such a great food!


(many folks are trying to save money and trying other brands and that's ok, I understand - but don't be surprised if......)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breaking News (love it!!)

Hi Evy -

Breaking news . . . our border terrier, who has had bad breath forever (a sign of a digestion problem), now is shed of it, thanks to a couple of months on Kumpi. We even let her kiss us now.

And, our slightly oversized Airedale is looking stronger in his rear hindquarters, we've even put him back into obedience training classes, thanks to Kumpi.

(I absolutely LOVE my inbox!!!)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving :)

Our dog, Hank, is a nine year old mixed breed who goes to Ft. Fido Day Care daily. The owners introduced us to Kumpi in January 2009 and since then we have seen an improved activity level. His coat is shiny and soft. We recommend Kumpi to all our friends and relatives with pets.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

When You Are Going To Switch 'n See The Changes?

I switched my 7 yr old black lab to Kumpi @ 3 months ago. He was previously on XXXXXXX for several years but as he grew older I noticed various issues developing including lower energy and gastrointestinal problems. I then switched him to XXX high protein (their marketing and related research was very convincing) for a few horrible months resulting in even lower energy levels, itching, and terrible stomach problems. I was just about to switch back to XXXXXXX and be resolved that he was just slowing down due to age when I became aware of Kumpi. After much research, I purchased a bag (drove 35 miles away from my home) I am amazed at how much his activity level has increased, improved coat, and no stomach issues. He hasn't acted like this for 3 years. Now I discovered that you deliver directly to my home, even better. Thank you very much for developing this food and improving our dog's life.

Best Regards,


Friday, October 2, 2009

Straight From My Inbox!

Thank you - my now, one year old lab (rescue) was abused as a pup - her back leg was broken in two spots that grew back together (unfortunately they could not do surgery to fix it). She was on arthritis meds and pain killers until I found your product. I was able to take her off all of the pain medication after about a month of her eating Kumpi! Her coat looks GREAT as well! She has been doing so well since I have switched. Thank you for all your research and such a wonderful product!



I cannot guarantee this will happen for every dog, but ZOWWEE - this makes my heart sing!!! Evy :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mommy Ran Out of Kumpi (Oh No!!)

My dogs - they KNOW the box, right? So, I drag it into the house and sit by the front door… They watch it. Then just a while ago, I drag it up onto the counter to cut it open and I look down and all FOUR are sitting there looking at me…. I cut open the bag and they take their places by their bowls. LOL… I think they were telling me something. LOL as in - ITS ABOUT TIME FOOL! :)

Thanks for the bag. :)

(thanks for sharing this Ang - just too funny!! LOL - Evy)

Friday, September 18, 2009

L'Shanah Tovah !

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Skin Problems??

I just wanted to say thank you so much for making Kumpi dog food! I love this food! My dog is so happy and so healthy! She used to have itchy flaky skin and she has been on Kumpi for a year now with no problems. I got a German Shepherd puppy on friday and feed her Kumpi adult while I'm waiting for Kumpi puppy in the mail, she loves it! I can't wait to see how she grows and develops on Kumpi!

Thank you!


(emails like this make me SO happy!!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

No More Garbage Breath!

Hi Evy, The food is working out great. No problems switching their food or anything. My boxer's famous "garbage breath kisses" have gone that one to me!!!

Thanks for your great product!!

(I wrote Cynthia and explained that Kumpi cleans 'em up from the inside out!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random Questions 'n Answers

The Email With A Question

I'm curious about your dog kibble and will consider trying it. Of course I've heard and read about the corn issue. My other concern is that there doesn't seem to be any variety in flavors. Everything I've read says that a rotation of flavors, and even brands are good for the dog. I'd hate to eat the same stuff every day of my life and I don't think dogs like it either. How do you address that concern with your product? I've been feeding XXXXXXX but have changed to XXXXXXX dry kibble.

My Answer

When it comes to nutrition, more and more evidence is pointing to keeping a diet as standard as possible; at least that is what is coming down the pike from the likes ofvet schools like Tufts and Cornell i.e. advice given to law enforcement. It seems to be one factor in bloat. Plus, you may have noticed that the 'variety' diets don't have a consistent protein level and from a scientific point of view, keeping that standard helps the body maintain its best balance.

Part of the reason I began a product line (while I was still teaching dog behavior) was that 'reading what everyone says' about nutrition just got so confusing. There is the science of nutrition and then there is the science fiction of marketing and advertising. A band wagon starts, does well and many jump on. I just want a diet that is consistent, the best for my dog and manufactured by folks I trust.

I'd eat filet mignon everyday with no problem!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Intriguing Testimonial

I have been professionally working dogs for 20 years, working dogs for the United States Army and U.S. Customs. When I started in this industry, there were two big names in dog food producing positive results. Those foods are still around, however their product has changed drastically over the years, from outsourcing to cost cutting. My working dogs require the same attention as house dogs, just that if they are not healthy, I was not working.

Good nutrition is needed to sustain the demands of daily work and training as well as continue with a healthy diet and I wanted to find a food that would produce results. Researching foods for my training facility, I tried many different diets from raw to the best market brand kibble available. I also searched the internet for more information about the foods I was using. These studies were mostly generated by the food companies and were one sided.

While working with a fellow handler from a different agency, I noticed how shinny and soft his black labs coat was. This dog was close to the same age as my working dog, but her energy levels continued when my dogs slowed. When asked the handler stated he was feeding a food called Kumpi, which like most I have never heard of, but was willing to try it. I called the number on the bag, and was very shocked to speak to the owner of the company, not a representative.

Evelyn Serpa was very knowledgeable about the dog food industry as well as the interworking of the dog and how food affects their health. She sent me one bag of food with the conditions that the proof was in the results. I put the food to the test and was impressed right away; enough to order one ton of dog food. I have not had one issue with drastically changing current food to Kumpi with dogs in our kennel. Owners even ask if I bathed their dogs as their coats were softer and shiner in just one week from the change in the food. I have also seen dogs not eat their food, but gobble down Kumpi, then refuse to eat their original food.

I could go on and on about the positive results I have seen from this food, but I won’t. The results are proof enough and if you want to get the proof, try one bag and tell me you're not impressed.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

From "Premium" to Kumpi With A Hooray!!

Dear Evy,
just a quick update:

Marbles is doing well and loving the Kumpi dog food! We are so pleased!

I returned the others (XXXXXXX XXX and XXXXX XX XXX XXXX) and started him right on Kumpi. He had mucus stools for the first two days, but it could have been from previous stuff as he was already having mucusy stools.
I was stunned to see how much he took to it, and STILL loves eating it. I sometimes give it dry, but most times add warm water and make it a soupy broth. (Is that ok?) Either way, he loves it.

So glad that it is gluten free!!!!

I bought the BIG bag, and I'm glad I did.


Hooray!!! for Marbles :) I am so jazzed and always love hearing this. The first couple of days of mucous were just what you indicated; clearing out the old and making new for the health. I love it! I wouldn't moisten the food though; I would just feed it dry. Kumpi is like filet mignon to a dog and don't ever feel bad about feeding 'the same old dry dog food' to Marbles.

You're right too; I'm only a phone call away, even evenings and weekends. So far I haven't been affected by the recession, since more and more folks are discovering the value in a bag of Kumpi.

I'm glad you bought the BIG bag too! Better value :)

Thanks for the feedback and do keep me posted ~


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Great Dane!

Dear Evy,

The Kumpi dog food arrived a few days ago I had it on the kitchen floor and was trying to open the box with a mat knife. I had it partially opened and Tito ran over, sniffed it and tried to tear open the bag! I made him sit stay until I had it open and put the food in his dish. He was so excited, he was in the sit stay position but was bouncing on his front paws from foot to foot. This food disappeared! I'll be ordering again...and again! Thanks for allowing me to order by Postal Money Order.

Tito the Great Dane and Deb from Pennsylvania

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Finicky Eaters NOT :)

Good evening Eva.

I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kumpi. I just got home and my shipment was here. I have to tell you, that I have two very, very picky, finicky, snooty Yorkies and a Beagle who feels it is her right to eat ONLY what I feed the Yorkies (the Beagle’s food can ROT and she would STARVE before she would ever succumb to eating the breed specific dog food that I provide for her). Normally, any time I have ever introduced new food to any of our dogs, they turn their nose up and refuse to have anything to do with it (my male Yorkie, Chewy, has even gone so far as to hike his leg and urinate on the food dish). Tonight, I have witnessed a never before seen event!. Tonight, when I put Kumpi out for their review, my female Yorkie, Kitty, actually guarded the room entrance and refused to allow Chewy into the room where the food was located. Kitty intermittently ran into the room and gobbled up some food and then came back to guard the entrance. I finally had to pick Kitty up and physically prevent her from bullying her male counterpart. The Beagle, Savannah, is happy as a pig in slop…. She has polished off her portion of Kumpi. I will keep you apprised of events as they transpire.

Thank you for your commitment to great canine nutrition.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good News From Dog Owners

My dogs really like Kumpi, our yellow Lab has a very sensitive stomach and used to puke a lot, have not seen that happen since he eats Kumpi !

Thank You !

Hi there!

I think I mentioned that I'd like to send you a picture of Laila with some comments...being a Boxer she's a "moving target".....just doesn't want to sit still for anything! I'm still going to try to do that, but wanted to let you know that she is a white dog, and you know how Boxers get stains on thier faces from tears? Hers are almost completely gone. She just LOVES her food.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Word Of Mouth - It's How We Grow!!

Evy--My pedicure lady told me about it. She has recently started using it and she also found out about it by word of mouth. I appreciate your website and all the information and brand comparison. I am excited to try this--currently my dog is on XXXX venison formula (moist). I have wanted to switch to a dry (but healthy & nutritious) kind. I haven't found anything that I have wanted to try until now. I have a 6 yr. old Shihtzu. Thanks for your research and love for dogs and cats that you obviously want to share. I have told my daughter about this also--she is checking it out.



Hi Evelyn!

My sister Kris told me about your cat food. My cat is 20 pounds and 11 years old. She does not move around much and I hardly see her because she does'nt want to climb the stairs. Kris told me about some of the testimonials and she has a friend who uses the cat food so I thought I would give it a try!

After using a small bag of it my cat has lost 3 pounds and comes upstairs at least 4 times a day!! I am so happy to see her energy level improve!

I will keep you updated!!
Thank you for your great product!

Friday, February 13, 2009

First Ingredient Myths

First ingredient myth. Pet food is formulated by the ton.

1st Ingredient – Meat – 320 pounds
3 grain ingredients in the first 12 on the label at 300 pounds each

Meat – 320 pounds (first ingredient – NOT the most)
Grain – 900 pounds
Fat, Dried Beet Pulp, miscellaneous ingredients – 780 pounds

Meat as the first ingredient can mean you are feeding a meat flavored cereal!!

Buyer beware.

Try ONE bag of Kumpi (guaranteed to not make your pet sick) and see the
difference a label cannot tell you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why Corn IS So Good (coming soon to the site!!)

Research reported at the 2004 American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
International Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer, by Rui Hai Liu, M.D., Ph.
D., and his colleagues at Cornell University shows that whole grains, such as corn,
contain many powerful phytonutrients whose activity has gone unrecognized
because common research methods have overlooked them. Dr. Liu’s team
measured the antioxidant activity of various foods, assigning each a rating based
on a formula. Broccoli measured 80, Spinach 81, Apples 98, Bananas 65, but Corn
topped them all measuring a whopping 181.

The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends corn as part of a diet to
lower the risk of cancer and promote overall health.

Corn is also rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin that have been associated
with lowering the risk of chronic disease.

Corn is also a good source of Thiamin which is a nutrient essential to good brain
cell health and mental function. The brain uses Thiamin to make a
neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which is essential for good memory.

Scientific research has determined that corn is a very good aid to prevent irondeficiency
anemia because it increases the absorption of this nutrient up to 50%.
The folic acid in corn is now known to be an important factor in preventing heart
disease according to studies that show folic acid can prevent a buildup of
homocysteine, whose long-term elevation has been linked to higher rates of heart
disease; folic acid helps break it down. Folic acid can also help to lower your risk
of heart attack and stroke.

Corn, when cooked, releases cancer-fighting compounds that are actually bound
to the vegetable fibers. Additionally, over 60% of the naturally occurring fat in corn is
the Essential Fatty Acid powerhouse antioxidant Linoleic Acid aka Omega 6.

It is very unfortunate that many people won’t buy a dog food with corn, due to the
vast miseducation regarding the true scientific facts of this wonderful ingredient. A
study posted on my web site shows the high digestibility factor of corn.

There has been a flurry online of activity of well meaning amateurs who don’t have a
background in nutrition. Think - when people eat raw corn and see the husk in their
stool they may not realize that the body has extracted precious nutrients. The
corn itself was digested; the shell was just passed on. Nutrition is a science and
Kumpi products are formulated from proven research. Be careful that you don’t
confuse the science of nutrition with the science fiction of marketing hype and

Monday, February 2, 2009

THE Best Dog Food Testimonial From A Veteran


I just have got to tell you. You are on to something with this dog food. I have tried, tested, through trial and error oh gosh, over the last 15 years... maybe 20+ different dog foods. I have NEVER, EVER come across such a good product as Kumpi. Marilyn was NOT joking when she said it's the best dog food in the world. I believe it now. I am now passing around small bags of food to others that have dogs trying to convert, hehehe!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Ingredient Confusion

If you could help me, I read this online about corn: While corn is a good ingredient as a carbohydrate source, it should never be listed first on the ingredient panel. Why is corn your first ingredient if its bad for dogs.

I am so glad you asked Robert!! This is one area where I know consumers can get very confused about reading ingredient labels. Corn is a GREAT ingredient if you have the time to read through the rest of the Kumpi website and as to it being the first ingredient. Think about it this way. (I will make this as simple as I can, so bear with me!)

Pet food is formulated by the ton. Check this out.....

301 lbs - 1st ingredient - MEAT

300 lbs - 2nd ingredient - GRAIN

300 lbs - 3rd ingredient - GRAIN

300 lbs - 4th ingredient - GRAIN

It's just a quick way to try and show how the first ingredient is not necessarily the "base" of a dog food. How with 301 pounds of meat and 900 pounds of grain can this be considered a meat based food??

I encourage consumers to read their label from the prospective of how grains can be 'split out' and made to appear minimal, when actually adding them all up can make them maximal.

Also, "fresh" chicken, turkey, etc. is usually about 70% moisture and drops down the label considerably when the food goes to cook. Seeing the word "meal" behind a meat or poultry source merely means the moisture has been wicked out at low temperatures. There's been so much fear-mongering about the word 'rendered' associated with the word 'meal' and render also can simply mean 'moisture removed.'

Thanks for the question!! I know it's confusing to read so many conflicting thoughts online. Many bring incomplete facts, no facts and little or no understanding about the science of nutrition; which is what Kumpi is all about.

Ok, before I need to copyright this, I'm going to sign off for now!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

ACL Surgeries

Thanks so much Evy!

Our border collie/aussie shepherd Lucky has been suffering from 2 separate ACL surgeries and probably arthritis. She is a new dog on your food! She can romp and play with her Beagle bud Zoey....and we know it's thanks to Kumpi food. We are your new fans!

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Twice On New Years Day - YAY!

I have been feeding my two cats the Kumpi cat and it has been wonderful. They LOVE the food and NO LONGER throw up!! They used to throw up pretty much everyday.

I have a new puppy, a 3 month old Greater Swiss Mountain dog and had a question about your dog food. I can not feed him food with more then 26% protein because it will cause him to grow too fast. In fact, at 16 weeks I need to take him off puppy food and give him adult. I would like to feed him Kumpi dog but was wondering how much protein your food has. Your chart said 22% minimum but I wanted to make sure before buying it.

Thank you for the wonderful food and I look forward to hearing from you. :)

All the best,

This Makes A New Year Day Happy!!


Our dog Cyrus was on XX for the first couple months we owned him (adopted from Maxfund here in Denver this past May). He never seemed all that healthy, though, his stools were goopy and his gas was noxious!

A coworker told me about Kumpi, and since I already was buying his food at Vitamin Cottage I decided to try it. Well, they were all out the first time I went in, and I had to wait another week before I could get him a bag.

Well, he LOVES IT! With the XX, he wouldn't finish his breakfast. Now he can't wait to be fed and he gobbles it down quickly. His stools are a lot firmer, his coat is shinier, and his gas is non-existent!

We will be temporarily moving to Alabama sometime this fall (for a year or so), and I will definitely be ordering his Kumpi food online. I don't know what else could possibly compare to this wonderful food... and I can't bear to feed him anything less.

Thank you so so so so much!!!

Lakewood, CO